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Two Mile Hill Primary School Building Knowledge, Empowering All.


Speech and Language Therapist

Hello parents and carers!
I am Joy,  a Speech and Language Therapist with Child Speech, and I will be working in school this year to support staff, your children and you. I will work alongside the NHS Therapist based at St George Health Centre.


Speech, language and communication underpin everything that we do – asking for things, being able to say we like or don’t like something, making friends and talking about our feelings.


Lots of children have speech, language and communication difficulties. It might be that they have speech that is difficult to understand, they struggle to use words and sentences clearly, they don’t always understand what is said to them or they struggle with making friends. This can have a big impact on their learning and development in school and at home.


If you want to know more about speech, language or communication development or if you have concerns about your child, you can meet me in school – just ask your child’s teacher.

See below for information and advice about how you can help develop your child's speech and language skills

Language Development Pyramid

Head Teacher's Welcome Close

Welcome to our website. Two Mile Hill Primary is a successful school in East Bristol where children are supported to develop the values and skills by which they will live life and develop a love of learning.

"Pupils are kind and tolerant. They celebrate the diversity within their school. Everyone is treated with dignity and equality." OFSTED 2022
