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Two Mile Hill Primary School Building Knowledge, Empowering All.


School Meals

PLEASE NOTE: From September 2024, the price of a pupil meal will increase to £2.90

School Menu Spring-Summer 2023-24



At Two Mile Hill we pride ourselves on the quality of food that we provide for our children. An excellent team from Chartwells Food Services cook all our food on-site daily using the finest of ingredients. The kitchen staff also cater for those children with allergies and special dietary requirements.  The menu is changed twice a year and we send a copy home.


The school menu is on a 3 week cycle. Each day there is a hot main option, a halal equivalent if appropriate and a vegetarian option. We also offer on a daily basis jacket potatoes with varying filling options, sandwiches filled with a choice of ham, tuna or cheese, and pasta with tomato sauce. See the menu for full details.


How much do they cost?

Meals for Reception, Year One and Year Two are free as these children receive Universal Free School Meals. From year 3 onwards school meals currently cost £2.70 per meal unless you have successfully applied for Pupil Premium Free School Meals. Money should be pre-paid via the School Gateway.


Many families are entitled to Free School Meals for their children in year 3 to 6. You can apply yourself through the links provided, however, if you have any problems please ask the school office to see if you qualify and how to apply.


Allergies and Special Dietary Requirements

If your child has food allergies or specific dietary requirements please contact the school office on 01179021932 or visit the reception office on the Kingsway. 


Packed Lunches from Home

Children who bring packed lunches should bring this in a box or durable bag clearly marked with their name and class.  Two Mile Hill promotes healthy eating so we ask that lunchboxes do not contain chocolate bars, sweets and sugary or fizzy drinks. As we have children with allergies, Two Mile Hill is a NUT FREE SCHOOL - please do not send in any food that contains nuts of any kind.



Head Teacher's Welcome Close

Welcome to our website. Two Mile Hill Primary is a successful school in East Bristol where children are supported to develop the values and skills by which they will live life and develop a love of learning.

"Pupils are kind and tolerant. They celebrate the diversity within their school. Everyone is treated with dignity and equality." OFSTED 2022
