We are committed to working closely with parents and carers. We value the partnership which exists between school, parents and the community and the part it plays in school improvement.
Research has shown that children behave better and achieve more when their parents are involved in their education. Concerns can be resolved more quickly when parents have a good relationship with the school.
We will aim to have ten named parent/carer representatives with at least one from each year group. In the event of several volunteers stepping forward for the role of year representative, a parent vote will take place to ensure fairness. We have a staff representative to support communication.
We will actively seek to reflect our pupil diversity in our council membership.
Our meetings will be clerked by school administration staff.
The Governing body remains the decision making body and provides the strategic leadership of the school whilst the Parent Council has a consultative and advisory role. The following is a non-exhaustive list of matters on which the Parent Council will provide a forum for consultation and advice:
Some topics cannot be addressed by the Parent Council & should be referred directly by individual parents to the class teacher in the first instance or a member of the school leadership team (Phase Leaders/Assistant Head/Head Teacher). This includes matters associated with:
The Parent Council will be the forum for gathering, discussing & conveying parental views to the school. These views will be gathered through the official parent council email address pc@twomilehillprimary.bristol.sch.uk or by discussing with your year group representative. You will be able to identify members of parent council by looking at the school website or by looking on the parent council notice board. It will be involved in identifying priorities for the School Improvement Plan & making recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team & Governing Body. The work of the Parent Council will complement the SLT & the GB.
The Parent Council will meet termly. Meetings will be minuted and made available to all parents, the Senior Leadership Team & the Governing Body. Meetings will be conducted in a positive spirit, be constructive and solution focused. The impact of its work and Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually by the Parent Council at the end of each academic year, initiated by the Chair.
The Parent Council meets every school term on a Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00 pm Meeting dates are available on the school website.
The Chair will circulate a proposed agenda for the meeting to the Head Teacher and school office with at least 7 days notice. The Chair will then email the proposed agenda to the Parent Council Reps plus any additional paperwork, inviting parental feedback prior to each meeting on the agenda topic and matters of “any other business” (AOB).
Should a vote be necessary to make a decision, each parent member at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie. Any two members of the Parent Council can request that an additional meeting be held, and all members of the Parent Council will be given at least one week’s notice of date, time and place of the meeting.
All meetings must be minuted and a copy of the minutes provided to the Head Teacher for approval before publication. These will then be made available to the whole school community and teachers via the school website. The Parent Council will also provide a termly newsletter which will be emailed to parents.
In order to reach a wide cross-section of parents from the school, surveys which may lead to a change of provision, i.e. school uniform, school dinners etc, will be conducted using Survey Monkey or similar website so that all parents have fair opportunity to comment. All suggestions for change will be put to the Governing Body who will make the final decision as to whether a change in provision is required.
The Chair will lead the Council, setting & circulating agendas, chairing meetings, representing the group to the Head Teacher or governing body. They may be required to sign off minutes/other communications and ensure Parent Council keep to the terms of reference and adhere to the “Golden Rules”. In addition, they may be invited to produce appropriate material for Open Evenings etc & assist with the design of surveys and questionnaires. They will positively promote the role of the Parent Council. Should a vote be necessary to make a decision, each parent member at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie. The Chair will also be a Parent Governor.
The Chair will email details of the next meeting and discussion topic to all members at least 7-14 days in advance of the proposed date of meeting. Each rep is expected to cascade that information to their year group giving them at least 7-14 days notice and invite feedback/ideas and suggestions in advance of the meeting. Reps are expected to attend each meeting or ask another parent from that year group to represent them at the meeting where possible. Reps are encouraged to fully participate in discussions and positively represent the views of their year group.