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Two Mile Hill Primary School Building Knowledge, Empowering All.


Reading Update!

Christmas reading challenge


Thank-you to everyone who has taken part in the Christmas reading challenge, we have had a huge number of entries.


Christmas reading Challenge winners:

KS2 Albatross with an outstanding 24 completed challenges!

Runners up were Sandpipers and Ospreys.


KS1 and EYFS winners Robins

Runners up were Swans and Woodpeckers.


Reading Bingo


This term, we have started a new way of reading at home, 'Reading Bingo'. Each term the children will be given a bingo grid to complete over the term, if they successfully complete it, they will earn themselves a one of a kind Two Mile Hill reading badge. We appreciate all of the great help and support that you give to your children at home, please continue this by hearing them read regularly and asking them questions about what they have read. Good luck. 

Head Teacher's Welcome Close

Welcome to our website. Two Mile Hill Primary is a successful school in East Bristol where children are supported to develop the values and skills by which they will live life and develop a love of learning.

"Pupils are kind and tolerant. They celebrate the diversity within their school. Everyone is treated with dignity and equality." OFSTED 2022
