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Two Mile Hill Primary School Building Knowledge, Empowering All.


Walk To School Winners for November

Congratulations to Swift class who are the proud winners of the walk to school trophy for November.  You can help your class to win this month, by walking to school as often as possible.  If you come to school by car you can also contribute by parking 5 minutes away andwalking the remaining distance to school.

December's badge is about the Amazon rainforest. Do some research and see what you can find out. Create a poster and hand it in to Mrs Evans (Penguins class) by the end of the month.
Head Teacher's Welcome Close

Welcome to our website. Two Mile Hill Primary is a successful school in East Bristol where children are supported to develop the values and skills by which they will live life and develop a love of learning.

"Pupils are kind and tolerant. They celebrate the diversity within their school. Everyone is treated with dignity and equality." OFSTED 2022
