Thank you for a fantastic start to this school year. It has been great to see everyone again after what can seem like a long time. The children have settled back in to school life well; they seem happy, keen and are a credit to you.
On our inset days, the staff had the opportunity to help shape some of the plans that we have for developing the school this year; be that the way we teach reading or our plans for the outside spaces. I look forward to sharing them with you in the near future. We also had some training on the way we teach art – the staff developed their skills in teaching drawing and using clay. I was lucky enough to be their model…
Over the last three days I have popped into all classes to see some great learning. The children have been writing letters (which you will receive), and producing some art work based on their new class bird. Every week a year group will be putting some work in the news section on the school website. This week is year 6’s turn - have a read and see what you think.