This week, Year 4 have been working really hard!
In Maths, we have found ordering and comparing numbers with 4 digits fun with lots of practical challenges. We like working on the secure it, twist it and deepen it tasks. This is where we show how well we understand a task, and as we get better at it, we move into another level.
Number Race has changed this year, too! Instead of 3 times per week, we only have to fill our grid in once. In the other sessions, we play games like Snap! or Pairs with cards and Hit the Button on the computer. We are focusing on securing our 2, 5 and 10 times tables this half term.
Most of us are working really hard to keep our behaviour good. Many of Sandpiper class are always on the rainbow, so we earn lots of housepoints.
Learning about Pompeii in English is fun. We’ve written descriptions and rhymes all about it and we’re still finding out more. Our magpie books are full of new words! The Romans have been filling much of our lesson time. We’ve enjoyed pretending to be Roman soldiers and we’re looking forward to using the shields we have made to practise formations as if we are Roman soldiers too!