In Year Five we have been learning how to write kenning poems and have also written a story. Kenning poems are when you write two words on each line and you give clues about an animal. For example, can you guess which class this is?
What am I?
When we did maths, we did rounding to 10, 100 and 1000. Can you work out the answer to this question?
4,725 to the nearest 1,000 is 5,025
Explain the mistake we have made.
We also did some sketching of our new class birds using different pencils and charcoals. As our topic wow, we also followed instructions on how to make paper aeroplanes! We then had a competition to see who could throw their plane the furthest.
By Alice, Eron, Imogen-Marie, Adeana, Callum and Shayzan