Year 6 is a very important year for our children at Two Mile Hill Primary. This is the year they will further increase their level of independence in preparation for the transition to secondary school. All the teachers have high expectations of all the children in both their academic work; attitude to their learning and behaviour within and outside the classroom. We expect them to be role models for the school and demonstrate our school values of:
Respect Integrity Curiosity Hope Excellence Responsibility
All children will sit their SATs on the week commencing 8th May 2017. In preparation for these tests we set grammar, spelling, maths and reading homework each week. If your child is unable to complete their homework at home, there will be opportunities for them to complete it in their lunch break.
Secondary School Admissions
Parents and Guardians are reminded that secondary school applications need to be made before 31st October. You can apply for schools by filling in the application form on the Bristol City Council website. It is recommended that you speak to school admissions and attend open days for more information. We ask that you let the school know, if you plan on taking a child out of class to make a school visit.