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Two Mile Hill Primary School Building Knowledge, Empowering All.



  • Project Zulu Performance

    Tue 24 May 2016 Mr Smith

    Today children from the township Madadeni visited our school. We had previously raised money from a non-school uniform day to get them here. They are then going to tour the UK to raise money for educational resources to help build their community. Today, they performed traditional Zulu songs and gumboot dancing! They then visited Year 1 where they helped children to decorate cakes and Year 6 where they were working with Year 6 using Lego WeDo. It was a fun and inspiring morning for all.


    You can watch videos of their performances on our Youtube channel:

  • School Councillor's Working with Governors

    Mon 23 May 2016 Mr Smith

    The school councillors have been working with the Governing Body of the school at their meeting on the 17th May 2016. The Governors were challenged to complete three tasks all to do with the school values.

    RICHER: Respect, Integrity, curiosity, hope , excellence and responsibility.

  • Red Party Hard at Work!

    Fri 20 May 2016 Mr Smith
    Mr Kirk met with the newly elected Red Party to discuss how to implement their ideas for how to improve the school. They also discussed how to budget correctly to get the most our of the £200.
  • Y6 Bikeability

    Fri 20 May 2016 Mr Smith

    Some children in Year 6 have been taking part in the Bikeability course to help them be safe when cycling. They've had bike checks, learned how to signal and discovered how to be safe whilst cycling on the road. Everyone passed and the all got an award and badge at the end of it!


  • Year 6 Disco

    Fri 13 May 2016 Mr Smith
    This week, everyone in Year 6 has been working extremely hard - that's because this week has been SATs week! To celebrate how well children have been working, this afternoon we had a disco just for the Year 6s. Thank you to the PTA for organising this fantastic event.
  • Rhyme Rocket visit Reception and KS1

    Sat 07 May 2016 Mr Smith
    We had a visit from some very exciting people in reception and key stage one today. Do you recognise them? Some of you may have seen them on the CBeebies channel! We did lots of laughing and by the end of the visit we were rhyme experts!
  • The Votes Are In!

    Fri 06 May 2016 Mr Smith

    The votes are in! The winning team - which has been chosen to represent and spend £200 to improve our school - are the Red Party! 


    A big well done to every team who took part.

  • Children Voting

    Wed 04 May 2016 Mr Smith
    Today children took to the ballots to vote for which Year 6 party they want to represent our school. Find out the results of the votes later this week!
  • Y6 Party Elections

    Tue 03 May 2016 Mr Smith

    This week we are holding elections because children in Year 6 have formed parties. The winning party will get £200 to spend to benefit the school. Each party has different ideas on how they will use the money to help the school. if they are successful. 


    Here is what each party wants to use the money for:


    Gold Party: This party wants to get football nets and a graffiti wall to make play more fun. They also will set up art clubs and an activity area at lunch time in the conservation area. 


    Red Party: This party will use the money for football nets and basketball hoops. They play to use the money to buy fruit and a blender to set up a smoothie and milkshake bar. Additionally they will open the conservation area for specific year groups at lunch time. Finally they want to introduce house points to encourage good behaviour. 


    Orange Party: Orange Party will use the money to buy play equipment like monkey bars in the conservation area. They will also spend the money on additional headphones for children to use in lessons. Like Red Party, this team will also bring in house points.


    Pink Party: This party will use the money to get a climbing wall to go in the playground. They also want to put speakers outside so children can dance during break times. Lastly, the money will go towards more art and PE equipment so children can have a range of creative lessons.


    Purple Party: The Purple Party will set up a school football team to play tournaments with other schools. They will spend the money on a wall so children leaving the school (for examples Year 6s) can be remembered. They want to start a school newspaper and a drama/ dance club. 

Head Teacher's Welcome Close

Welcome to our website. Two Mile Hill Primary is a successful school in East Bristol where children are supported to develop the values and skills by which they will live life and develop a love of learning.

"Pupils are kind and tolerant. They celebrate the diversity within their school. Everyone is treated with dignity and equality." OFSTED 2022
